Friday, March 11, 2011

Has the First Amendment gone too far?

Bob Schieffer, with CBS news, commented on the Supreme Court's decision to allow anti-Gay's to protest at a military funeral. Schieffer questions that the First Amendment rights have gone too far in this case. The First Amendment protects freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, the right to petition the government, and most importantly, freedom of speech. However, there are a few cases that freedom of speech does not protect. For example, it is against the law for someone to yell "bomb!" in an airport because that threatens public safety. I think it is completely viable to put protesting at someone funeral in the same league as shouting "bomb" in an airport. It is inconceivable to me that the Supreme Court would even entertain the idea of allowing this act to take place, especially at a military funeral. The military fights for America and it is a tragedy to lose any life that dedicated themselves to the protection of this country. For a group of callous, judgemental people to be allowed to stand at a grieving families funeral with degrading picket signs is atrocious and a horrible representation of America. Bob Schieffer is right when he says that the fight to protect these families must go on. This country has an obligation to every citizen and the fact that this act was able to take place should be a sign that we, the people, need to do something.