Friday, February 11, 2011

Perry calls for billions in cuts to education

I came across an article in the Austin American Statesman which stated that Governor Rick Perry wants to cut billions of dollars from education programs in Texas. In my opinion, this would only increase our state's poverty and hurt the economy even more. By decreasing state spending on education, Perry would be directly responsible for eliminating hundreds of teaching positions which would force people into poverty. Not only would this be hurting the Texas economy, it would be reducing the quality of education, a sacrifice we cannot afford under any circumstance.

As someone that can't say they've been particularly involved in the happenings of our state or country, I found myself realizing that it's actually important for me to be aware of what's going on. In order to be entitled to an opinion, you must be knowledgeable first. I urge everyone to read this article and take one small step torwds being more politically informed.

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