Friday, April 1, 2011

Abortion Problem

American government has a tendency to allow citizens to magnify problems that don't necessarily have a solution. For example, abortion has been a heated topic for many years and our society will never come up with a way to please both the pro-choice and the pro-life group. Why do we continue to fight over this problem? It makes no sense why a topic such as this would cause so much debate and controversy. The bottom line is, if a woman decides to terminate a pregnancy, it should be one-hundred percent her choice. Anti-abortionists have been trying for years to make abortions illegal. If a law were actually passed forbidding any woman to terminate a pregnancy, that would directly violate a woman's free will. Along with eliminating free will, making abortions illegal would force women into back-ally abortions which would ultimately end more lives than it would save. There are many negative and harmful effects that this entire debate has caused and it needs be stopped immediately.

Our government needs to take a stance and not allow these pointless battles to continue. Pro-choice views abortion as a woman's decision alone. While, pro-life sees an abortion as murdering an unborn chile. These two view points are so far away from each other and it is highly unlikely that either position will subside. It is just not logical for society to continue to debate this subject any longer.

1 comment:

Jenny Elliott said...

In response to the commentary called "abortion problem", me and Ms. Solether seem to have the same ideal when it comes to women having the right to an abortion. It is obvious why this issue is controversial and always seems to be in the spotlight, however, i agree that women should have 100% say so right in doing such a procedure. I do agree also that if abortion does become illegal, it would cause greater problems, such as "back-ally abortions". Other problems would include women taking it in there own hands to have an abortion, such as-drinking,smoking,drugs,neglect...ect. How is that different from an abortion though? That's where the conflict comes, is it less humane? More humane? There is much debate altogether the moral conflict when it comes to abortion. However, it shouldn't be someone else's decision to say whether a women who is perfectly aware that she does not want to continue with the pregnancy to be forced to do so. Women have numerous reasons why they choose to act on an abortion, and whatever the reason is, she should have her privacy rights to do so.

I believe ending the pro-life, pro-choice debate is only wishful thinking. While I do agree with the statement "it is just not logical for society to continue to debate this subject any longer", it is almost impossible to do when many people are so passionate about what they stand for. Unfortunately it appears to me this debate with only continue and both sides with bump heads.