Thursday, April 14, 2011

Response to "World Police"

Just recently I had this exact conversation with a friend of mine. It makes me absolutely sick that America acts as the world's police patrol. For decades, America has waltzed into other countries problems and, in most cases, done nothing beneficial. Why do we feel the need to stick our noses in everything? America bullies the world and makes it known that we have power and are not afraid to use it. What really gets under my skin is the fact that the government is constantly talking about cutting funding from different programs. And where do they cut it from? Recently, it was announced that funds have been cut from Medicare and Medicaid. Sure, let's just increase the poverty in this country and give less benefits to the elderly. They also decreased the funds for public school systems, cutting thousands of teaching jobs. I'm certain that move is going to harm American in a significant way. Seriously, what is the government thinking? Instead of cutting funds from programs that are actually helpful to citizens, why doesn't America try to mind their own business and pull our troops out of Lybia and Iraq? We need to cut military spending and use that money to actually help the United States. We have so many problems that it is inconceivable to me why we insist on continuing to intrude on other countries problems.

Bravo, Nick! Your argument was well constructed. I agree with you on everything you have to say and truly wish there was a simple solution to this controversy. You're right when you say that's not going to happen anytime soon though...

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