Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Change the system!

The United States' national government was created in a time where the country was significantly smaller and had a completely different dynamic compared to the present day. In 1789, the country consisted of thirteen states and the population was around four million. Today, there are fifty states and the population is a little over three-hundred million. With this in mind, does it seem reasonable to use the same system in 2011 that we used in 1789? The Founding Fathers established a system where each state would get a certain number of electors that would vote and ultimately elect the president. At the time, this made sense. The population was smaller, less educated and less capable of making important decisions. They needed competent people to elect officials that could run the country appropriately. However, the country has grown  to exponential numbers and it is no longer acceptable for us to keep this system in place. Electing a leader for the country should be a simple process and should reflect exactly what the public wants. Sadly, the system that the Founding Fathers created doesn't reflect the public's opinions or desires anymore. It is a long, complicated road that must be walked before the United States can deem a new president and this needs to be altered to fit modern times.

The answer seems clear and obvious to most of the population. Eliminate the Electoral College and allow the popular vote to determine the president. Simple as that. It is understandable that government feels obligated to respect the original constitution, but times have changed and we need to ratify the constitution to make it possible for the public to have a say in elections. Let America truly become a democracy.

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